“Or else, given that there is world that side of the window and world this side, perhaps the "I," the ego, is simply the window through which the world looks at the world.”
― Italo Calvino, Mr Palomar
It’s 15 Minute Past Midnight but I’m Still Staring at the Windows
The relationship between the observer and the observed
When a light is shine onto the eyes, the retina inside the eye changes light into nerve signals making the brain to understand what it is seeing. Without the source of light, all we see is pitch black darkness without particles reflecting off the object and onto the eyes. So, is it plausible to define the process of seeing without actually having anything reflecting onto the eyes or is it fair to say that the process of seeing did not occur. But what if there is light, but there isn’t anyone seeing it, can we also say that the process of seeing did not occur since there isn’t someone looking in the first place.
It’s 15 Minute Past Midnight but I’m Still Staring at the Windows is a mixed media featuring over 30 inkjet printed photographs of lit up window from buildings, whether they are houses or offices building, and projected white light, that would lit up onto the window of those printed photographs to increase the intensity and draw more of the audiences attention towards a specific place. Most of the photographs were taken using iso6400 or more, which resulted in a dark still image with only the light of the window as the main subject, it also shows the intensity of the noises around the window creating a certain vibe around the picture. When being printed onto a photo matte paper using matte black inkjet printer, the powdery black creates also a realistic scenery for the audiences. At the same time the use of projected light help intensify the bright area of the image and also hiding the darker composition for audience to explore them when getting closer to the work.
The work is mainly a self-exploration of the society and where the realization of the relationship between viewer—of the window and the windows and what is inside it.